Learning Clarity as a Creative: Lessons From the Diamond District, by Ann McDonald One of the most needed helps in the Creative world right now is the ability to have CLARITY. Clarity eludes us, by nature, as creatives. It doesn't have to be this way, but it can feel like our default mechanism is possibility, not clarity - which contains a focus within to....well...be clear. As for me and most of the Creatives I hang...
Ann McDonald
Learning Clarity as a Creative: Lessons From the Diamond District, by Ann McDonald
One of the most needed helps in the Creative world right now is the ability to have CLARITY.
Clarity eludes us, by nature, as creatives. It doesn't have to be this way, but it can feel like our default mechanism is possibility, not clarity - which contains a focus within to....well...be clear.
As for me and most of the Creatives I hang with, we are always defaulting to "what if"...the possibilities are endless and heaven is here!
Praise praise, jump jump, communion....snack - see you tomorrow!
....and nothing gets finished.
...and then we are praying and declaring and believing for financial miracles and all those good things...
...but decide what email capture to put on our ministry websites? on our businesses? UGH! no clarity.
It's as if we have belief for everything and everyone else, but when it comes to our day to day, the focus vaporizes.
I heard a term from my lead tech. He called something "vaporware" - as in NOT software...it wasn't real...it was a vapor.
So how do we get a hold of clarity as Creatives?
One of my finest living examples is taken from the Diamond Districts in New York.
I'm not the first to use this district as a metaphor, nor will I be the last...but it is just so beautiful for clarity.
Diamonds have clarity.
The district is on 47th Street - look up Psalm 47.
It keeps going from there.
God is after ligaments of strength, backs to backs, hearts to hearts. A body simply cannot function if it's in a state of dismemberment.
Let me share some of the basics, and then watch the video training I did on the same topic. It will help. I know from experience. If I had a penny for each non-clarified idea, I'd be...well...someone else would be editing my writing and there would be fewer dots and fewer grammar errors...:)
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- Banish your confusion
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