Did you hear? You are about to fly
Good morning. Just checking in. I woke this morning, early, after one of those nights of dreams, and more dreams, and more dreams….
I was also thinking about you.
Did you hear? You’re about to be set free….you are about to fly…
We have an amazing community here, because of YOU, but we also have an amazing community that is…..”closer in”.
Did you know we’ve been waiting for you?
We have.
I hear winter is coming, it’s ok. You are about to fly anyway….
Did you know we have been praying for you?
We have.
You matter. Your heart matters.
Your closer in matters. It’s time for you to fly….
The ones who fly can see. The ones who can see, speak. The ones who speak, help chart courses.
Have a great day, dear one. If you were in my kitchen right now having coffee I’d be telling you how remarkable you are.
My closest friends know that’s who I am. I’d put my hands on your face through tears and say: You ARE ENOUGH! Now, let’s go!! You’ve GOT THIS.
No matter what, no matter where, no matter why. You simply ARE remarkable.
Standing in the gap for you. Today.
Now, let’s go fly.
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