Why we keep repeating the same mistakes
This past weekend, a few days before Thanksgiving, the business calendar calls for review. What have we done well and what have we mucked up this year. Where are the mistakes and errors and how do we correct going forward.
Two broad reasons:
Our mistakes are either from:
A CORE issue
Core issues
Core issues stem from deep within and usually rise from either our soul (mind, self-will, or emotions) or our spirit (the dominion of God)
Core issues can trap us underwater without means of escape so to speak – we just can’t break the pattern without going deep
Surface issues
Surface issues are more like rough spaces that need to be sanded down so to speak.Training and teaching, new systems, upgrades are able to fix them.
We can “go for a swim” but feel powerful to deal and come to the surface – they don’t necessarily feel hopeless or overwhelming, but they are still real and need to be dealt with if we are seeking excellence
If training, new systems and teaching don’t solve the problem, the issue is deeper. It’s really that simple.
Example: Old Running Shoes vs A New Knee
Let’s say you’re a runner. Every so often you need new shoes. Your old ones wear out, so you go to the experts and get new shoes.
Surface issue. Solved with the proper pair of new shoes. You are off and running so to speak
Home, life and business metaphor? Get new training, new teaching, get a coach, someone who sells what you need proverbially. Issue fixed.
Let’s say you’re a runner. When the inside of your knee goes out, you can’t fix it with a new pair of shoes. Shoes may help with recovery and prevention but at some point you’re going to have to go deep – to look inside. X-Ray, MRI, whatever tools you use – you are simply going to have to go there to move forward.
You don’t have to move forward, that’s your choice. But if you want to, you will need to go deep.
In 2016 we will tackle these so we stop making the same mistakes over and over and over.
We’ll cover surface & core.
For now, realize this:
It’s really no more complicated than that. You’ve got this! The truth is, many people spend way too much time thinking it’s all core when sometimes it’s as easy as a new pair of “running shoes”.
Ease up on yourself today.
xo – A