Every desk has a story.

What’s the story of your desk? And what is on it?

If you are anything like I am, it kind of depends.

I’ve only moved six times since 2008. I work from home. You?

How many times have you moved your desk? If you are one of the stable ones, you built an office and are safely ensconced in that space.

If you are like I am, you designed the house to host & then thought, hummm, I think we should have an office somewhere….

If you like to entertain, hire us. If you need a home office? I’d respectfully submit you hire a different design firm. We specialize in lifestyle (not workplace) design.



Move 1: Into the garage I go.

Thanks to some kind connections, the garage became an actual design studio. It’s happy. I like happy. The light, internet & phone were the bomb.

Steps from my kitchen.

All was right with the world. Then, growth.

Move 2: Keep the garage as a studio, into the Dining Room I go.

Friday with Pugs

As growth grew, I moved “me” to the Dining Room Table.

My husband was overjoyed. Not. I’m not the tidiest worker in the hive.

We were told to take dominion, no?

Yes, that’s me, at “my seat” with three of our in house staff.


Move 3: To the other end of the Dining Table I go. Mind you, I am still occupying the garage, thank you very much.

You know that moment when you think in your head your work space is all tidy and beautiful and contained, you then walk in early one morning to the dining table covered with papers and graciously say,

“Darling, who covered the table with all this beautiful paper work?”

Of course the papers were mine. #creativeideapeople need paper.

Move 4: Aha! The Living Room.

Aha – the living room! Sunlight pouring in – yes, let’s try that.

Move 5: To the Downstairs Family Room I go….

Move 6: I’m back at the Dining Room Table…



So,where are you working? 

Xo – Ann






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