Just to be clear, I hate chaos.
The problem is, we do Creative type things…which by nature, are messy and tend to generate piles, cuttings, scraps and “just maybes”…
“Just maybes” are those things you might need in the future for the potential, as yet untapped, pending idea that will…just maybe…change everything…
AKA piles of crap.
For the longest time, my Design Studio/Home Office had two sections:
Public staged to perfection thank you very much
Private get ‘er done half finished piles of “oh my GOD, don’t go in there…only THE Cross makes way for a visitor not fully employed by Couture Chateau to even venture a peek…”
The problem?
The solution?
Watch our Facebook Live Video for how I (we) made small HUGE strides in removing the chaos and what ensued as a result.
I’m doing this during November BECAUSE the holidays are some of the toughest times of the year for many many people – some of those struggling under chaos, are your clients….or us!
Holidays can turn Cindy Loo Who’s into Nasty Step Relatives of the Grinch….the ones who never get big hearts at the end….
Don’t believe me?
Ask ANY Creative with a service business at this time of year.
Perfectionism rears it’s ugly head and fear creeps into the best of ’em.
Designers, decorators, caterers, cleaners…..florists….
We have our own network of support.
In today’s Facebook Live, I’m getting practical. There is doing involved….not just “feelies”.
And the doing? It will involve boundaries. Yipes.
Help is on the way!
Xo – Ann