We looked GREAT on paper.
We had great clients, great press, even strong revenue numbers.
Really strong revenue numbers…
But there were signs everything wasn’t rosy when we tallied numbers and met with our accountant.
There was one year, I couldn’t look.
How was it even possible?
I was doing everything right!
We had a system in place for clients, we had clients, we had assistants, interns…even someone who handles the inventory….
I had obeyed everything the world told me I was supposed to obey…I had followed the “rules”…
There are times we have come to Jesus moments and make the changes we need to make.
There are times we have come to Jesus moments and walk the other way….
…into more busyness and more “great press”….have you seen? I was quoted by the editor of Elle Decor…on Luxury Now…in 2012…
…but…in the secret place…I couldn’t look….the tallies were off for some reason…I knew something was off…and God was most decidedly not allowing me to prosper when all was said and done…
Here’s the thing: Our God given authority comes when we release our God given sound.
In order to trample things that came to steal, kill and destroy….or remove profits from us…we must be in that sound.
The sound does not need to be pretty or clear, but it must be blown by the breath of God.
I had reached a place where I was the one breathing and sounding….leaving the breath of God out of it.
I had become practiced, trained, an expert….a very dangerous place to be as a follower of Jesus.
Finally, after this last come to Jesus moment, I listened with my whole heart. I laid my soul down. I yielded….to the extent that I was able….and set in motion people who would remind me to yield…..daily…..
I will tackle some of this on Today’s Facebook Live at 1 pm PST – what refines our sound — so what we see out front is simply a reflection of what is prospering behind the scenes, and we are speaking our truth, from a place of complete and total transparency with God, holding nothing back.
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