Not true…as in factual…make it TRUTH, as in….it agrees with what TRUTH says.
Here’s what I mean.
It may be true (factual) that you have no team members yet to help with your budding enterprise, BUT the TRUTH says, God will supply all your need according to His riches.
So the TRUTH is, should you have need of a team….God has it supplied.
Read on for a funny on how we worked this out, me and God.
This is to bless you. If you are currently a one person shop, or a single blogger, or a work from home without teams….THIS is what made change for us.
I started each morning, Monday through Thursday, in my underground office (my unfinished basement) sitting in the head chair with my clipboard, coffee and hosted a Board Meeting for anywhere between 2 & 11 other people…
Fact? There was no one there besides me, Jesus, Holy Spirit & God. Occasionally my three pugs would show…
…but I was DRESSED & ready. Prepared so to speak for all the business we were conducting that day.
True? There was no one else when I started…
….but here’s the “He will supply all your NEED according to His riches” kicker…
I got dressed and PLANNED those meetings as if the people were THERE.
With real jobs, real assignments…..real NEEDS.
Guess what happened?
I felt completely stupid for a while.
I laughed, prayed, eye rolled, but eventually….
God and I were calling those things that were not, as if they were.
And eventually, team members started to materialize….
Go ahead, laugh. It was pretty funny.
All dressed up with absolutely no one listening besides God. I even made coffee, for God…and me.
Here’s the point today Creative.
Blessing needs ROOM to reside.
We train for the marathon before we run it.
I was training for my teams before they showed up.
I never worked in a corporate setting, save for 3 months in a NYC PR Firm, in which I thought I might die from cubicle isolation.
I was the one who needed the training for teams to come & this was the fastest way it felt like it would happen. That, and I felt like it was a word from God to start doing this.
If God dropped a team of 2 to 11 full time people into my business or ministry right now, would I know how to steward them to increase?
Do I have a list of tasks, projects, emails, social media, blog posts for them to handle?
If I build the space & create a (positive) need, it can be filled. Blessing only comes when there is space for it to reside.
Make room for it this year….by planning and TRAINING in the every day schedules.
I felt pretty silly getting up early and prep’ing for meetings with no one attending & then getting dressed for said meetings like I was working for the President.
So, I know for some…it’s work casual. No meetings, social media only, but for me, the way I’m wired, the meeting thing helped.
It helped my brain focus. My spirit stay connected & my feet get in line so to speak…especially as a work from home.
I’ve included a video of just one of our custom fabrics from my design business to show you – you will be amazed at what God can do when we give him our vulnerability…to process…
Share this post with a friend Creative who need to know they aren’t alone in this process thing.
Xo – Ann