Thirty One Days of Enough: Day 15. You can find Week 1 HERE, Week 2 HERE,

This process? It’s powerful friend. It will change you if you are willing to be vulnerable – first with yourself so you can receive.

Nugget Day 15:

God restores fortunes (of all kinds) lost.

From God to you:

I am the LORD, restoring fortunes like streams. I see your tears (in fact I catch each one) and you will reap with songs of joy. I was there with you when you wept while planting dreams. You will return with songs of joy carrying your harvest with you.

Want More?

Print out the picture, pin the picture and memorize the saying above. Hide it in your heart for the days you feel like there is none who sees. Friend, God sees everything. He sees the wounds deep in your heart and longs to heal them. Take some time today and simply rest before a gracious and kind Father. There is no guile in him. None.

Keep what you give away

Share this with a friend who needs to believe this.


xo – A



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