Thirty One Days of Enough: Day 5. You can find Day 1 HERE, Day 2 HERE, Day 3 HERE, Day 4 HERE
Nugget Day 5:
I have nothing to fear from God. Say it out loud, because it’s true.
From God to you:
Since I am so much more precious to God than a thousand flocks of sparrows, and since God knows me in every detail—down to the number of hairs on my head at this moment—I can be secure and unafraid of any person, and I have nothing to fear from God either.
Want More?
Print out the picture, pin the picture and memorize the saying above. Hide it in your heart for the days you feel like there is no safe place anywhere around you.
Keep what you give away
Share this with a friend who needs to believe this.
xo – A
You can find Day 1 HERE, Day 2 HERE, Day 3 HERE, Day 4 HERE